A Hands-Off Energetic Upgrade! Simply be open & ready to receive!
Designed to help you connect your dots and identify the energetic blocks, keeping you from aligning to your highest vibration & next level of inspiration and includes:
Your Focused Vibrational Alignment Report
Energetic Up-Level Breakthrough Clearing Session- to align you to your next vibrational state & give you a better understanding of the unseen energetic reasons that have been holding you back.
40 Days of energetic support including:
Daily group clearings to promote energetic sovereignty
2x remote personalized clearings/week,
Weekly check-ins via email & guidance through the Akashic Records.
A Focused Vibrational Alignment Report.
Using numbers as specific set points and measuring over 40 calibrations this multi-page report helps you identify the energetic blocks, keeping you from aligning to your highest vibration and next level of inspiration. It is a fundamental aspect to help us understand the energy you are or are not emitting and allows us to connect the dots, both seen and unseen.
This report is 100% customizable to the topic of your choice and includes a gifted clarity call to answer any questions you may have.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
- Nikola Tesla
1:1 Energetic Up-Level Breakthrough Clearing
During this live one-on-one session I’ll use my unique and distinct energy clearing “recipe” to clear the predominant energetic blocks holding you back and begin to align you to your new vibrational state. Once completed you’ll receive an energetic breakthrough report showing you just how far your vibration and frequency have come. Think of it as a before and after for your soul!
40-Days of Energetic Support
Daily group energy clearings to help you reclaim your power and support your energetic sovereignty.
Twice weekly remote personalized energy clearings where I deep dive into your glass ceilings and clear the energies preventing you crashing through these barriers.
Weekly check-ins via email and guidance through the Akashic Records.
The program has been called your energetic virtual assistant!
It’s pretty hands off but works best with your participation. Aside from the 1:1 Energetic Up-Level Breakthrough Clearing session the entire program is pretty hands off except, as with all things energy, it works best if it is a two way street. What does that mean? Each week you’ll receive a personalized check-in from me. Sending me a quick note back with what’s going on, outcomes, contrast, mood swings, etc. really helps me gauge where to go next with the clearing and lets your guidance team know you’re still around and listening.
We measure how far out your desired outcome is & clear to move the needle!
You heard me! I actually energetically measure how far an outcome is and then clear to move the needle and bring it closer into existence. One client actually had 3 high-paying clients sign with her as we worked through this!
A la carte Akashic Records Sessions
As a compliment to the program you have a choice to add on two 60-minute Akashic Records sessions to help you integrate the learnings, gain deeper levels of clarity and understand your next steps.
This is also available to you and are offered at a reduced rate. In order to gain the most out of these readings they should be booked around the 20- and 40-day mark. You will receive formal booking links with your mid-way report and towards the end of our time together to book them in.
Limited to 10 people at a time due to the energetic demands.
Who would benefit from this program?
Pretty much anyone looking to understand where they are currently and what’s keeping them from getting to where they want to go.
What kinds of topics do people focus on?
So far the majority of my clients have been coaches & small business owners looking to scale their business and understand the energetic reasons why they haven’t yet. Other topics have included understanding why their manifestations won’t come through, book writing and making music a viable career!
Why do you only take 10 people at a time?
In order to maintain the integrity of the container and meet the energetic demands of my clients I will only be accepting 10 people into the program at a time. Not to worry, you can always get on the waitlist!
What if I’d like to focus on my business?
Totally possible! In fact, your business holds and energy all it’s own. We will take calibrations both on you as an individual and your business to get a clear picture of how to best move forward.
When do the 40-Days start?
Our time together in the 40-Day program commences the day of your 1:1 Energetic Up-Level Breakthrough Clearing. And not to worry, you’ll get an email highlighting those important dates.
What do you mean by remote work?
Remote work sessions simply mean that I tap into your energy and perform the work. You do not need to be on the phone, computer or present.
On average, how long do you spend on each client per week?
On average I’m spending roughly 6 hours a week per client doing group energy clearings, deep dive clearings, writing your check-ins and responding you your replies.
How are the sessions held?
All sessions are held via Zoom online conference room so that you can get the support you need from anywhere in the world!
Why do I have to book a date & time?
Booking a date & time when reserving your spot simply helps us track things through out booking sessions.